Lesson 30: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind
Want to experience an incredible state of bliss and see love in everything? The first step is observing our thoughts. Lesson 30 shows us how.

This is a very radical concept to those of us who grew up in any western religious culture. “God is in my mind.”
We think of God as some powerful entity residing in Heaven who brought the universe into existence and somehow oversees the goings-on of various things - perhaps even including the fate of our lives and the entrance criteria into Heaven.
But what if we have it all wrong?
A Course in Miracles (and many other spiritual thought systems) teach that God is not an entity. Just try imagining the concept of infinite love. We can’t. We use words to approximate an indescribable state of never-ending bliss.
And the way we can experience a glimpse of that wonder is by returning to our right mind - which is a reflection of that incredible state.
In fact, everything we experience in the world is a projection of what we’ve chosen in our mind with our thoughts. And by closely watching our thoughts, we can tell whether we’ve chosen our ego mind - which will always show us a world of pain and lack and fear. Or if we’ve chosen our right mind - in which case we’ll see infinite love - or God - in everything.
Lesson 30: God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.
W-pI.30.1. The idea for today is the springboard for vision. From this idea will the world open up before you, and you will look upon it and see in it what you have never seen before. Nor will what you saw before be even faintly visible to you.
W-pI.30.2. Today we are trying to use a new kind of "projection." We are not attempting to get rid of what we do not like by seeing it outside. Instead, we are trying to see in the world what is in our minds, and what we want to recognize is there. Thus, we are trying to join with what we see, rather than keeping it apart from us. That is the fundamental difference between vision and the way you see.
W-pI.30.3. Today's idea should be applied as often as possible throughout the day. Whenever you have a moment or so, repeat it to yourself slowly, looking about you, and trying to realize that the idea applies to everything you do see now, or could see now if it were within the range of your sight.
W-pI.30.4. Real vision is not limited to concepts such as "near" and "far." To help you begin to get used to this idea, try to think of things beyond your present range as well as those you can actually see, as you apply today's idea.
W-pI.30.5. Real vision is not only unlimited by space and distance, but it does not depend on the body's eyes at all. The mind is its only source. To aid in helping you to become more accustomed to this idea as well, devote several practice periods to applying today's idea with your eyes closed, using whatever subjects come to mind, and looking within rather than without. Today's idea applies equally to both.