Firm Hold in Your Mind
What ideas and concepts have won firm hold in your mind? Perhaps concerns regarding health, finances, relationships, or life’s purpose. Much time and energy is spent attempting to improve related conditions.
The verb won is apropos as many thoughts compete for attention. The chosen ones not only define consciousness, but contentment. In fact, happiness (or lack thereof) is completely conditioned by those "victorious" lines of thinking. Hence the profound proverb, "As a man thinketh, so is he." Or, as Emerson elaborated, "We become what we think about all day long."
The key to freedom lies in the realization that we choose the selection criteria. Unhelpful beliefs that have already won hold may be displaced. Constructive ones can supplant what previously consumed consideration.
The first step is understanding that at the core of every existing concept is a thought about me. Even if concerns regard others, they are people that matter, in some way, to me. With this awareness we can learn to shift into what A Course in Miracles describes as "a state of mind that has transcended conflict, and has reached to peace." (T-27.V.3)
No conflict. Perfect peace. This is the realm of unconditional joy. From which flows a reflection of infinite love that embraces everyone and everything.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll learn practices to undo all the seeds of sorrow that have taken root in the mind - leading to the "tremendous release" of which the course speaks. I look forward to seeing you then.