I knew it!

Certainty is a curious concept. It’s an undeniable assertion beyond doubt. And to punctuate our insistence, we may claim to know something with our entire being.
The irony being A Course in Miracles teaches that all our assumptions are wrong - including our existence.
So much for absolute certainty.
Thus the infamous line: “Do you prefer that you be right or happy?”
Knowledge is not a prerequisite for peace. In fact, it is more often a successor. As such, we are far better served focusing on the inhibitors to peace than comprehension.
Yet we want to know.
What should I do with this relationship? How should I respond to that current situation? When will this tragedy be over? And so on.
We are far more human doings than beings. Rarely questioning the premises upon which all our experiences are built.
But that need not be.
Following in the elucidating genius of Socrates, Francis Bacon shared this discerning insight:
If a man begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.
The road to both peace and knowledge is proceeded by doubt. And there is one form of doubt that can serve us quite well; reconsidering all our assessments of purpose.
What is our anger for? How about the desire for money? Improved health? Relationships?
By opening to the possibility that perhaps all our suppositions are wrong, we realize we’ve been valuing what is valueless.
Certainty has cost us happiness. Yet there is another path.
The little willingness to doubt our beliefs begins the process of another way of seeing. One that leads to the experience of unconditional joy.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll explore the nature of certainty and how we can shift our intention in order to radically change our perception. I look forward to seeing you then.