Inner Discontentment
Your inner voice, the one in your head that rambles incessantly, will never be content. There is always something to complain or worry about.
When was the last time nothing was troubling you in any way? Everything that mattered was perfect. Finances, relationships, health all in impeccable condition. No concerns over anything in the world. Can you remember such a time?
It's clear the inner voice has no shortage of disheartening material from which to ply its craft. Even when things seem to align just so, the voice reminds us that it won't last long. The next issue or calamity is right around the corner.
It's also evident that listening to this voice of inner discontentment is not very helpful. Has it ever said anything that led you to think, "I'm really glad you shared that with me."
So what is this voice? What's its purpose? And most importantly, why do we listen to it?
The voice of inner discontentment is designed to reinforce the sense of me. Disquietude is only such in relation to a self. All suffering is a reinforcement of identity. And by insisting on and perpetuating such uneasiness, the voice ensures the sovereignty of selfhood.
But you are not the voice. You are the one who chooses to listen to the voice. And you can just as easily decide otherwise. As we read in A Course in Miracles: "The still, small Voice for God is not drowned out by all the ego’s raucous screams and senseless ravings to those who want to hear It."
To those who want to hear It.
If we want to experience more peace and less pain then we'd be wise to shift attention from the voice of inner discontentment to the serene state of inner awareness.
Join me in Thursday's class where we'll explore the nature of this inner voice and practices we can develop to rest in an untroubled mind. I look forward to seeing you then.