Product of Your Thoughts
From ancient proverbs through modernity, it’s been oft stated that man is but a product of his thoughts. Every experience that seemingly befalls us is neither good nor bad; it is our thoughts that make it so.
This is obviously very challenging to accept. It certainly seems that occurrences carry their own value. Yet with just a bit of detached perspective we see that all judgment comes from thoughts about the situation. Understanding this leads to provocative contemplations such as the choice for anger, or any other emotion for that matter.
While profoundly true, and perhaps even deeply unsettling, rarely considered is the source of thought. If thoughts carry so much significance, we’d be well-served to examine their origin.
The texts of transcendence teach us that thoughts do not begin in the brain. In fact, the brain is merely the conduit of thought, much like a radio receiver. Rather, thoughts are birthed in the timeless, formless realm of mind. As is the entire universe, including what we consider to be "me".
Similar to nightly dreams that seem so real and consequential while we’re in them, only waking shines the percipient light of knowledge. As we read in A Course in Miracles:
The world you see does nothing. It has no effects at all. It merely represents your thoughts. (W-pI.190.6)
Further elaborating, "The world is nothing in itself. And what you behold upon it are your wishes, acted out so you can look on them and think them real." (W-pI.132.4)
Therefore, to experience sublime peace, we need but return awareness to the mind where we can change the source of thought. This most worthy endeavor leads to the release from all suffering.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll explore the nature of thought, and practices we can undertake to meet with blissful joy. I look forward to seeing you then.