Silence. Not silence!, just Silence.
Not a command to quietness, just Quietness incarnate. No admonition, just acceptance.
The irony of silence is that it is lost as soon as it is regarded.
Much like awareness. Becoming aware of being aware leads to a deep inner stillness. Yet the moment such a revelation is contemplated, attention shifts away from the embracing arms of awareness.
Serenity disturbed by persnickety thoughts. Such seems to be our lot.
But there is a way back, and it starts by understanding the nature of awareness.
What does being aware of being aware feel like? To objective minds the question cannot be answered. Feelings, like all other aspects of a dualistic framework such as thoughts, sensations, and experiences are objects of awareness — not awareness itself.
Attention must reside in one of two realms: pure awareness or some object of awareness. Sadly, we spend nearly all our time caught up in the drama of objective perception. Demands of the body. Desires of the psyche. Details of worldly goings-on.
And yet, as we learn from non-dualistic teachings like A Course in Miracles, "The stillness of your Self remains unmoved, untouched by [disturbing] thoughts ... unaware of any [disquietude]."
Join me in Thursday's class where we'll discuss how to enter such a transcendent state of Self, this soundless sphere of Silence. I look forward to seeing you then.