Worst enemy to best friend
Today, I’d like to explore one of the greatest challenges we face on our awakening journey: being our own worst enemy.
As students of A Course in Miracles, we recognize that the ego’s primary objective is to keep us entrenched in the drama of bodies, perpetuating the false belief that we are disconnected from one another and from our Source.
One of the insidious ways the ego accomplishes this is by convincing us of our inherent weakness and helplessness, leading us to seek salvation outside ourselves. It encourages looking to external sources such as people, possessions, or practices for happiness, rather than turning to the infinite joy within.
“The ego always speaks first” (T-5.VI.3), leading to a default mode of thinking characterized by fear, judgment, lack, and attack. We may not even be aware of this, as the ego has become so deeply ingrained in our thought patterns and behaviors.
However, there is hope. We can break free from this cycle and cultivate a loving friendship with ourselves — learning to recognize the ego’s voice and choosing instead to hear it differently. Which we do by looking on each thought with gentleness and without judgment. This compassionate awareness initiates the healing process, allowing us to release the ego’s grip on our minds.
Being our worst enemy can be a painful experience, but it is not inevitable. We have the power to transcend the ego and become our own best friend. By holding each ego thought with light-hearted tenderness, we attune ourselves to the still, small voice within.
As the Course teaches:
The Voice for God is always quiet because it speaks of peace. (T-5.II.7)
May we learn to hear and follow this voice, gradually relinquishing the ego’s judgments and welcoming a newfound sense of inner joy.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll explore the transformation from worst enemy to best friend - and the resultant bliss that follows. I look forward to seeing you then.