Improving Poor Posture
For years I walked with what’s known as forward head posture. Basically, I carried my head in front of my shoulders rather than in line with my spine. Which, in turn, inevitably led to upper back and neck pain.
There’s a very simple remedy to this condition, and that’s walking (and sitting) in proper posture. One technique is imagining a string attached to the crown of your head while the thread is gently pulled straight up into the air. It’s helpful imagery that indeed has the effect of aligning shoulders, head, and back.
There’s just one catch. You need to catch.
The practice only works with recognition of incorrect positioning. Without noticing the slouch, little forward progress may be made.
Which brings us to the topic of practicing a non-dualistic philosophy like A Course in Miracles. The actual application is quite easy, not much different than a golden thread lifting awareness into the right-mind of perfect peace. The challenge is catching the equivalent of forward head posture. Which is noticing how tightly we cling to everything that reinforces a sense of self.
Each emotion shrieks of certainty, "Me!" At the core of experience, the center of thought, the focal point of consequence is a me. Which, of course, is the root of all suffering. "The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself."
The road to paradise is paved not with intention but attention.
Catching the sense of self as it slaloms through its drama determines where vigilance must be applied if happiness be the goal. No attempt at ego restrainment is required. Thankfully what’s asked of us is far simpler. Merely looking. With gentleness and without judgment. This is the skyward tugging thread that leads to the most exquisite state of joy.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll discuss practices for focusing attention in a way that transforms suffering into serenity. I look forward to seeing you then.