In the world of health insurance, a "pre-existing condition" is a frightening term. It's a label that can dramatically increase the cost of insurance or even prevent us from obtaining it altogether. This fear often leads people to hide their conditions, carrying them like a hidden stigma.
Yet we all have a pre-existing condition, one that is deeply ingrained in our existence. It’s not a physical ailment or mental disorder. It’s the state of "me-ness" for which the costs are astronomical.
Life is the insurance company whose bylaws dictate, in not-so-fine print, that those with the condition of "me-ness" must pay the price of sorrow.
Pain, suffering, and eventual death are the unavoidable fees of me-ness. Further taxing our dwindling reserves is that every experience of "self" further reinforces the condition.
Yet escape is eminently possible, without requiring renunciation of the self. Simply a willingness to look at all that we’ve made in the name of me. As we read in A Course in Miracles:
A miracle is a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all. It merely looks on [your belief in selfhood], and reminds the mind that what it sees is false.
Extending Eastern insight, "All beingness is without self." With this shift in awareness comes a release from all sadness. What the course refers to as a "tremendous release." A most inclusive, unconditional policy of peace. All pre-existing conditions welcome.
Join me in Thursday’s class where we’ll discuss practices to experience this blissful state. I look forward to seeing you then.
"All beingness is without self."
Anthony, please tell me where the quote originates, if it is ACIM, I'd like to look at it. Thanks, Beth